
Welcome to 六肖中特期期准.COM, the news archive website for our family of Indigenous news publications.

Our struggle continues [editorial]


Windspeaker Staff







Bert Crowfoot, the publisher of Windspeaker and CEO of the 六肖中特期期准 of Alberta (六肖中特期期准), has headed off to Ottawa to address the Standing Committee on Canadian Heritage.

On Nov. 17 he鈥檒l be speaking to the committee about the importance of Indigenous media in Canada and how media concentration impacts our publications and operations.

The Standing Committee is attempting to ascertain how communities are 鈥渋nformed about local and regional experiences through news, broadcasting, digital and print media.鈥 This is a wide-ranging discussion that has included information on the impacts of digital media on traditional media, the reality of diminished advertising revenues, which hits small publications like ours particularly hard, and the issue of unfair advantage.

On Nov. 15, for example, heavy hitters, including the Globe and Mail and Google, argued that CBC should not be provided Canadian taxpayer dollars to deliver its services. They want to level out the playing field, making CBC compete with other media organizations for advertising revenues. They say CBC is attempting to be all things to all people. That鈥檚 easy to do when you have an established revenue stream. Large media corporations don鈥檛, and neither does 六肖中特期期准.

In the event you don鈥檛 know very much about Windspeaker or the 六肖中特期期准, let us catch you up.

The Society was established 34 years ago in 1983. In those early days, the multi-media comprised of a radio show, and a single newspaper鈥擶indspeaker. At that time, Windspeaker was devoted to media coverage of the Indigenous populations of Alberta, and it was a mightily successful publication. So much so, that it evolved into a national news publication.

六肖中特期期准 evolved too and developed a new publication to fill the void that was left in Alberta when Windspeaker went national. That publication is called Sweetgrass.

Two publications under the 六肖中特期期准 banner led to four鈥擲askatchewan Sage and Ontario Birchbark鈥攁nd then five鈥擱aven鈥檚 Eye for British Columbia, with other specialty publications filling in the gaps of reader interest and need鈥擝uffalo Spirit, a guide to Indigenous Spirituality and Culture, and Windspeaker Business Quarterly.

Radio went from a show to a station鈥擟FWE鈥攖o a network with websites, YouTube channels and a mobile phone app. People can now listen to 六肖中特期期准鈥檚 multiple radio channels from a smartphone almost anywhere in the world. If you鈥檙e interested check out

The pace of change experienced by all news organizations since those days has been dramatic. But for the last 10 years the sands have shifted under our feet like never before. For Indigenous media, it has always been a struggle to find the funds to do what we do. There is no government funding for this. We don鈥檛 get a percentage from every cable subscriber across Canada, as does APTN, for example. (Not complaining. We support APTN and their news staff, and we鈥檙e glad they provide the service that they do.) But we鈥檙e out here swimming with the sharks. We have been for a very long time.

It鈥檚 made us strong and resilient and we鈥檒l carry on, because what we do is important; the Indigenous perspective is important, because what has remained consist over 34 years is the desire of our readers and listeners to have their own selves reflected fairly in news coverage.

They want their issues and concerns discussed from the position of their own worldview. They want value placed on their histories, their cultures and traditions.

While 六肖中特期期准 has helped bridge the gap of understanding between Indigenous peoples and Canadian society, it has, even more importantly, helped Indigenous peoples learn about and understand themselves, through an Indigenous lens.

The worldview, cultures and traditions of Indigenous peoples are rarely accurately portrayed by mainstream media鈥攜es, even now鈥攁nd reports often take a pan-Indigenous view of Aboriginal people in Canada. They make no distinction between nations and this further skews understanding of Indigenous communities by Canadian society from coast to coast to coast.

News of Indigenous peoples by mainstream publishers is, generally, focused on the activities of Indigenous peoples that run contrary to the initiatives, values and perspectives of Canadian populations.

There is no coverage of potlatches or powwows, coming of age ceremonies, Indian rodeo, activities like fishing or beading or weaving. No coverage of what fills out our knowledge and understanding of family-based Indigenous communities. So, 六肖中特期期准 will remain.

We are committed to upholding the highest journalistic standards of balance and objective coverage of Indigenous issues from the Indigenous perspective. We will continue to build trusting relationships with our readers and listeners.

六肖中特期期准 will continue to provide opportunities for Indigenous journalists, writers, photographers, artists and musicians, having already trained countless numbers of talented Indigenous people over 34 years.

However, without a consistent revenue stream, Indigenous media, including 六肖中特期期准, will struggle, and readers and listeners will suffer, and become more isolated and misunderstood in Canadian society than they already are.

All media, including Indigenous media, face significant challenges going forward. 六肖中特期期准 has faced difficult times in the past, but remains optimistic. We must, however, be nimble. Financial resources will help make that happen and allow us to continue our important work.