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SIFC awards its first ever science degree

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Stephen LaRose , Sage Writer, REGINA







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Stephanie Redman knew her graduation from the Saskatchewan Indian Federated College would be a special day for her and her family. But even she had no idea how special it was going to be for many others at the college until a team of reporters came her way during the graduation ceremonies.

Redman, who grew up on the Standing Buffalo Dakota First Nation, received her bachelors? degree in biology from the SIFC during the college?s graduation ceremony. She earned the first science degree ever awarded by the college.

?Nobody had told me until convocation that I was the first person in the SIFC?s history to earn a science degree,? she said. ?The head of the college?s science department, Dr. Nazih Moureldin, told me just before the grad ceremony.

?So there were a lot of reporters who came up and wanted to talk to me after I received my degree. It was something out of the ordinary. It made my grad night that much more memorable.?

Redman originally registered at SIFC for courses that she hoped would lead to a medical degree. However, she fell in love with biology thanks to a required cell microbiology course, and she decided to switch her major.

?In this day and age ? especially with the oil and gas industry as busy as it is ? biology is a field which is the best place for employment after graduation,? she said. ?A lot of companies such as oil companies are looking for biologists.?

Redman is currently working for Kodiak Environmental Services in its Kindersley office as a pre-site and environmental assessor of oil and gas drilling companies.

Redman says she hopes to eventually return to university for a master?s degree.