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Choose to use a designated driver

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Yvonne Irene Gladue, Sage Writer, REGINA







Page 13

The Don't Drink and Drive campaign in Saskatchewan is in full swing for the holiday season with posters, radio announcements and television commercials all telling you to be responsible for your holiday partying.

To take the message further the Hotels Association of Saskatchewan has developed a designated driver program called "Have Someone For The Road," which allows one individual in a group to have complimentary non-alcoholic beverages throughout the evening while visiting their establishments.

To take advantage of the offer, a group should approach the staff and identify the member of the party who is to be the designated driver. Once identified by the establishment, the driver receives a "Have Someone For The Road"wristband or hand stamp, as well as a number of tokens to be used to purchase the non-alcoholic beverages.

The designated driver must ensure that the individuals in the group get home safely. The program has been operating for the past six-years.

"So far it has been very successful. It enables the party-goers to drink at hotel establishments without being a menace to traffic," said Gail Scott, marketing coordinator, Hotel Association of Saskatchewan. "Usually the establishment will have posters and such on their walls to let the people know it could be a nightclub or a lounge that has joined up with the program."

Scott hopes that people will use this idea 365 days a year and not just during the upcoming holiday season.

"It gives the hotels a positive image when they get involved with the program. The public tends to look at the establishment as being responsible and caring," she said.

The program is a joint effort sponsored by the Hotels Association of Saskatchewan, the Saskatchewan Liquor and Gaming Authority, Saskatchewan Government Insurance and Saskatchewan Health.

A Saskatchewan Designated Driver Kit is available from the Hotel Association of Saskatchewan for $18.25. The kit includes 100 "Have Someone For The Road" wristbands, or one "Have Someone For The Road" rubber hand stamp and stamp pad, 100 tokens for non-alcoholic beverages, one poster, 100 coasters, two decals, and 10 server information sheets about the program. Once the kit has been purchased, additional supplies can be purchased individually. In conjunction with program, an incentive program has also been launched. The additional program is geared towards the hotels that purchase the kits. Each hotel is eligible to win monthly prizes. The Saskatchewan Liquor and Gaming Association inspectors conduct spot checks to determine monthly prize winners. Monthly prize winners are then entered for a grand prize draw at the end of the year. Monthly winners are chosen for their knowledge about the program, the visibility of the program (servers using buttons) and for the promotional materials in the establishment. Coca-Cola Bottling Ltd. offers monthly prizes of flats of a Coca-Cola beverage. The end of the year draw consists of a getaway. Last year, the Moosomin Country Squire Inn picked up their choice of one of five great getaways.

"We think that it is good business to practice the program," said Richard Szarkowicz, owner Moosomin Country Squire Inn. "I feel that if we send someone out of here and they go and kill someone on the road, then we are liable. I think that it is a good idea for the people who come here to have a designated driver," he said.