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Day says mining success involves Treaty work

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Compiled by Shari Narine







Anishinabek Nation Lake
Huron Grand Chief Isadore Day told Prospectors and Developers Association of
Canada conference-goers in early March that no mining venture will succeed
without First Nations participation at the earliest stages. “It is time for a
real relationship with First Nations with Ontario’s mining sector,” said Day in
a news release. “The approach of First Nation equity in the land and in the
treaty relationship must be a starting baseline in negotiations – this is where
certainty will be established and maintained.” The Economic Action Plan 2014,
which PDAC supports, promises to work with the province in developing and/or
strengthening transportation and infrastructure in the north, which includes
the exploration sector. However, Day noted, there is no mention of treaty
work. “It will be vital – if
Ontario wants to move forward – that treaties become the focus,” he said.
“Issues like environmental protection, social impact, and economic wealth must
be on the table during government to government discussions. Just as it was set
out in all treaties in Ontario – First Nations must be equal partners in all
aspects of development.”